Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Final Self-Portrait

       I am Done!! Well, not fully, but I am done with the portrait itself. I just need to take off the tape and make the frame and put it on. And then  I am done. (Can you tell yet that I figured out how to italicize words yet?) I am incredibly proud of it. Of course I know I can do better, but regardless, I am still proud. Maybe next time I'll do more of a difficult position. Like, I'm making more of a facial expression. That'd be fun to make! Here's a little self portrait. It was a practice of the actual self-portrait.

        I mean....its not bad. But I knew I could do better. So, I took another shot at it, and paid more attention to the spacing in between the facial features. And here's what I came up with!

            This one is MUCH closer to what I was trying to get at, especially face-wise. The chin is a bit too much though. I had planned making two portraits, but of course, I used up all my time on the big one because I cant stop making details. So, instead, I made a smaller version of the other one I wanted to do. I made the mouth a bit too low but I think I portrayed the expression well.

       I really wanted to do a one where I was making an expression but I enjoyed making the one where I was looking up. The powdered graphite was a lifesaver! I had thought that I was going to have to draw the entirety of the background in! I'm proud of myself and of how it worked out.

1 comment:

  1. It's been nothing but fun to watch your progress and the intense study of the imagery. This will be fabulous for your portfolio and your parents will probably never let it leave their home. Thanks for posting all the additional images, I don't think people realize how much you have put into this in terms of studying and analyzing the forms, values and proportions. Well done!
