Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Finished Armor

             YAY! Armor: DONE! I'm quite satisfied with how it has turned out. The wings especially. 
I was confused, at first, with how I should've gone about making them. I made large left wing by cutting out the pieces in between the veins on the tag board, and then placing it on the vellum paper and tracing/cutting it out with an Exacto knife. Then, I taped it to the space where I cut out on the tag board. I did this one piece at a time. This was a laborious process and I wanted to find a different way to do it with the next wing. So, the process of the right wing was that I cut out all the peices between the veins on the tag board. I placed the tag board on the vellum paper and traced on the inside of the pieces. This proved to be much faster than what I had originally done. The underwings I had made pure gold so I did the same process I did with the right wing. 

              We bought the red shirt at a dollar general and I painted it at home. I painted the little honeycomb in class, which was a lot fun. It was like a little mini project, but I will admit that painting was a bit of a distraction. Nonetheless, I got it done with my armor and I'm happy with it. 

1 comment:

  1. The wings are incredible! The front of the shirt is so cool too and reminds me of the work of another artist I know! :) Awesome job Anna!
