This is the finished piece. Continuing what I said in the last post, after you take the paper off you should put the pieces together in the pattern it was meant to be in. Then you dry fit it; try to fill the gaps in where you ground off too much or too little. Once you have done that, you'll need to foil the edges. Flatten the foil down to make it stay. Foiling is what I had finished doing in the picture in the last post. Then you will need to sauter the edges and creases in the pattern. and then sauter the ring to the top. If you want, you can put patina on the sauter, which is what I have done. Patina makes the silvery look of the sauter turn copper. After all this, slap some wax on it, wait until it hazes, and wash it off. Then BOOM, you got yourself a stained glass wonder.
The color combinations are great! Well done.