Yay! New year, new posts, new class! I am now in drawing. I am first posting these blind and modified contours.
Okay, so, with the first one we put a paper over our pencil so we could not see what we were drawing. It was quite difficult for me, and it was supposed to be. The second we were allowed to look. I did the same hand gesture I made for the first drawing. We were all supposed to draw with one continuous line, and I enjoyed doing it that way very much.
The next few drawings we did was of still life. We drew a cone, apple, and brass object (and mine was a mug). Again, we drew with one continuous line. I like how my apple turned out. I feel like I could have done better with my mug though. Well, I like how all of them turned out and I feel like could do better with all of them. Practice, practice, practice.
Alrighty, besides these drawings, we have been doing gesture drawings. With models and stuff, which is something I've been wanting to do for a LONG time. I never really knew where to start when it came to that stuff, but I certainly do now. I have been given another empty sketchbook. That leaves me with a total of five now. Hope to fill them all up soon!